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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Time it right

by D. Sathiyaseelan.

Aerobics: Way to fitness.

Exercise has lots of benefit for all age groups but starting early is crucial.

Daily exercise has profound benefits. It increases energy levels, helps maintain healthy weight, prevents osteoporosis, certain forms of cancer, heart diseases later in life and premature death. Exercise also leads to improved academic performance and establishes lifelong healthy physical activity.

Adolescents can reap numerous psychological benefits from physical activity. (“A 2006 study showed higher levels of sport participation and physical activity were linked to lower levels of depression, and that exercise can encourage better self-perception”)

Aerobic exercise conditions your body to perform longer, faster, and more efficiently. After 20 or more minutes of continuous slow running, your body releases powerful hormones (called endorphins) that start pumping through your bloodstream, producing a strong “runner's high” that does wonders for your self-esteem.

Cardiovascular training strengthens the heart and improves its efficiency. The resting heart rate comes down after regular exercise, which means that the efficiency of the heart's pumping capacity increases without undue strain. Aerobic exercises increases oxygen intake. This improves overall functioning of all organs especially the brain.

Mechanical loading on skeletal tissue by resistance exercise effectively stimulates an increase in bone formation in young adults and slows bone loss in middle age. Muscle strengthening activities promote the development and maintenance of metabolically active lean muscle mass, and is important for enhancing glucose metabolism. Despite the misconception that weight training arrests bone growth, it actually enhances growth in teenagers. It's great fun to chat with friends and talking slows your pace, so you'll exercise longer. That was one ad that got it right: “walk and talk”; “talk and walk”.

13-17 years

Get involved in sport activities to stay active and healthy. Even if you are not an achiever in sports, it doesn't matter. Just play to be fit. If you excel in any sport, then do strength and conditioning exercises along with good flexibility programme to improve your performance.

17-21 years

This is the ideal age to hit the gym. Get a fitness assessment done by your physiotherapist, and get a clear idea about your fitness level. Move on the right track to achieve your goal and motivate your peers for the right thing .Learn the correct exercise technique to avoid injuries. Proper posture and breathing technique is the basis of weight training. Exercises designed to correct the posture and core strength, help to avoid injuries and improves great look.

21-30 years

Don't indulge in last moment exercises as a preparation for marriage. If you demand more from your trainer at last moment, the level may be too strong to cause injury. It's important to have a “sound body with a sound mind”. Get a friend to work out with you to add some fun to your routine.

Recommendations from ACSM and AHA

Do moderately intense cardio 30 minutes a day, five days a week

Do vigorously intense cardio 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week

Do 8-10 strength-training exercises, 8-12 repetitions of each exercise twice a week.

Moderate-intensity physical activity means working hard enough to raise your heart rate and break into a sweat, and still be able to carry on a conversation.

To lose weight or maintain weight loss, 60 to 90 minutes of physical activity may be necessary.

The 30-minute recommendation is for the average healthy adult to maintain health and reduce the risk of chronic disease.

Physical activity can be accumulated through a variety of activities, not just running. Walking is a great way to do moderate-intensity physical activity.

After 20 or more minutes of continuous slow running, your body releases powerful hormones that start pumping through your bloodstream, producing a strong “runner's high” that does wonders for your self-esteem.

(D.Sathiyaseelan is a Physiotherapist with FitnessOne Group India )

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