Solar storms threaten high-tech civilisation
Source: The Hindu
AP No room for
complacency: We are ill-prepared for the threat from solar storms.
The upper atmosphere suddenly lit up like a Christmas tree under
infra-red radiation at the beginning of March. A violent solar storm was to
blame, spewing out a huge cloud of charged solar particles that swept past the
earth at high speed.
This solar storm heated up the upper atmosphere with a huge blast
of energy of 26 billion kilowatt hours, according to NASA. This was sufficient
energy to power the homes of a city like New York for two years.
“This was the biggest dose of heat we've received from a solar
storm since 2005,” according to solar researcher Martin Mlynczak of Nasa's
Langley Research Centre. “It was a big event and shows how solar activity can
directly affect our planet.” Luckily in this case the effects were primarily
spectacular polar lights, but these geomagnetic storms generated by the
interaction between the electrically-charged solar particles and the earth's own
magnetic field could have more serious consequences.
They are able to overload electricity supply networks and cause
breakdowns, cause communications and navigation satellites to fail, and endanger
astronauts and people in aircraft.
Geomagnetic storms are a serious hazard to a highly technological
society in the view of British space weather researcher Mike Hapgood, writing in
the journal Nature.
In the view of the professor at the Rutherford Appleton
Laboratory, we are ill prepared for this threat and need to be able to assess
better the probability of severe space weather disruptions and their effects.
There have always been solar storms, but our increasingly technology-dependent
civilisation is becoming more susceptible. There is evidence of damage caused by
solar eruptions since the time electricity first began to be harnessed. An
exceptionally powerful solar storm knocked out the newly introduced telegraph
cables in early September 1859, causing fires in telegraph stations and also
generating polar lights that were visible as far south as Rome and Havana.
The effects today could be much worse.
A study by the British electricity and gas supplier, UK National
Grid, indicated that an event of this kind could cut electrical supplies to
certain regions for months.
A solar storm in mid-March 1989 did in fact disrupt power supplies
to millions of Canadians for several hours and cut contact with around 1,600
Since then many electricity networks have improved their
equipment, but preparations need to be made, not only for events similar to
those in the past, but also for the extreme events that might arise only once in
a thousand years.
The first need is to assess the risks better. This would be
possible with the aid of numerous historical records, although these are largely
not yet available in electronic form.
In addition solar weather forecasting needs to improve, Hapgood
says. Nasa's “STEREO” solar satellites indicate that reliable warning of at
least six hours to an accuracy of one hour is possible.
US aviation authorities are currently calling for international
standards for space weather briefings for aviation.
Passenger flights may need to avoid severe solar storms under
certain conditions, particularly on polar routes.
Solar storms occur when the sun hurls large clouds of electrically
charged particles into space and these strike the earth. The solar cycle takes
around 11 years to complete.
“We are currently emerging from a deep solar minimum,” says James
Russell, a colleague of Mlynczak's at Hampton University.
He predicts the cycle will rise in strength to a peak in 2013. In
addition the sun is in a big maximum phase that has occurred 24 times over the
past 9,300 years and is currently approaching its end.
This “solar climate change” does not necessarily mean a calmer
period in space weather, as Luke Barnard of Reading University in Britain has
According to his analysis, the chance of isolated extreme space
weather events in the next 40 years has risen by around a half, as Barnard
reported at a recent gathering of British astronomers.
There is a precedent for this. The big solar storm of 1859 took
place outside a large solar maximum.
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